In my continuing quest to simplify my equipment I am selling my studio lighting set up. As I become more portable in my equipment I no longer need studio lights for the type of work I am doing right now. I would like to sell everything together and not split up the package. My studio lights are Visatec, if you unfamilar with this brand they are made by the same company that makes Broncolor and more information may be found
here.Replacement cost values obtained by B&H's website found
here.So here we go:
Visatec Solo 1600B - 600 w/s - replacement cost $568.50

Visatec Solo 800 - 300 w/s - replacement cost $428.95

Note: Both strobes have burnt out modeling lights, I will include replacements with the package I just haven't had time to replace them. Also spare flash tubes will be included.
Visatec Umbrella reflector - replacement cost $72.50

Visatec Standard Reflector with Barn Doors - replacement cost $81.90

Visatec Soloflex 60 softbox with Visatec/Broncolor speedring - 60cm x 60cm
replacement cost $104.50

Lightdome Multidome Large with Visatec/Broncolor speedring - 36"x48"x25" with interior baffle. - replacement cost $419.95

Note: The Multidome that I have is an older version than the above photo and
does not have the reversable gold/silver panels shown on the above photo.
Visatec IR Flash Trigger - replacement cost $122.95

Vistec Padded Travel Case - replacement cost $199.95

Visatec Honeycomb Grid - replacement cost $128.50

The total replacement cost on the above package would be: $2127.70 not including the extra modeling lights and flash tubes that I am including. I would like to see $1200 for the above package.
NOW $1000! This is also a difficult set up to ship and therefore local pickup only and I will deliver to my immediate area. I can be reached at:
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