Friday, December 19, 2008
OK that's enough already! I don't mind a few days here and there that are cold but this is nuts. We never get it this cold for this long. After the pipes froze to the washing machine and having to wait three days before they were working again. Do you know how much laundry piles up with almost 4 year old twins? A LOT!!! It has been too cold to take the boys sledding. It has been too cold for them to play outside so we have been stuck inside. HEELLLPPPP And to top it off there is no indication in the forecast when this will end. Hopefully it gets better by Christmas so that the boys can see Grandma and Pappa for Christmas. Hope, pray, cross fingers, you know all that stuff!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
What a weekend it was. After getting a bit of a blizzard on Friday night, I headed down to do Pets with Santa thinking that no one was crazy enough to go out in these conditions. After a few cancellations and postponements a few started to come in. We had 12 who had booked a time and ended up with 26 getting photographs taken.
Then when I got home from that it was time to take my boys out to play in the snow for a while. After coming in and getting them undressed I discovered some spots on Williams upper body. He has very sensitive skin so I was unsure what it could be but gave him a bath and lathered him up with some cream. Sunday morning William woke up with a lot more spots and he was itchy. Thinking it might be Chicken Pox I took him to emerg where it was confirmed that is what he had. So there was half of Sunday, the rest of the day I put together new beds for them. They are bunk beds that will be separate until they are about six.
Kind of funny that they both wanted to sleep in the same bed. Oh yeah I am laughing right now!
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