Sunday, September 21, 2008


Just imagine for a moment that you have hired a professional to photograph your wedding day or a release of a new commercial product. You are now looking at a video of one of the above. You pause the movie and say "I would love to have that photograph hanging on our wall." or "We could use that image on our packaging or website or brochure" But this is video and the quality of video stills is horrid. No longer! The technology is currently there to give professional DSLR quality from video. 12 megapixel resolution from a video camera. So you can have the best of both worlds as early as next year. Not 5 or 10 years from now, next year. And I am not talking about what Nikon and Canon are playing with with their new crop of DSLRs that happen to offer a bit of video, I am talking about RED.
All this means is that a new name for these camera operators. Will they be called phodeographers, vidotographers, or if they are also journalists will they be called phodeojournalists. I am sure that someone with way too much time on their hands will think up a new name for this new era.

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